These are pictures which don't have a home in other projects
Dogwood (cornus floridia) is a popular decoration tree in the midwest—popping up in the lawns and gardens of suburban homes and businesses. The tree flowers every year April- to May—the same time that new developments are breaking ground. New developments have become a staple of the growing midwest, expanding existing roads like a fractal. As roads are geotagged and laid out, they are intersected by animal trails haphazardly winding around the land. The new buildings are in a liminal space with no occupants to be found; half completed walls and empty doorways standing tall in mud lots. When the sun sets, the mud covered streets and hollow buildings are deserted for the night, left trustingly alone to be worked on the next day. In these spaces there is a strange balance that is struck between nature and humanity as the place is worked landscaped and groomed—not quite wild, but also not quite controlled. Dogwood is an investigation into these spaces, both the in the familiar and absurd.